Are you a Veteran or surviving spouse of a Veteran over the age of 65 and Disabled? If so you may be eligible for a benefit of $2,903 per month or more!

Many people are not aware of this “Aid and Attendance” Pension or they don’t realize that they can be qualified. This special pension was set aside to assist Veterans and their spouses who are in need of financial assistance for health care costs; in order to prevent wiping out their life savings. If you are a Vet who is over 65 and now disabled, you may be eligible for much-needed money to pay medical bills! Horizon Elder Law & Estate Planning, Inc. is an Accredited VA Law Firm located in San Ramon, CA that assists many Veterans in receiving this pension.

Do you qualify for Veteran’s Benefits?

  • Are you over the age of 65?
  • Are you a veteran who served during a time of war?
  • Are you a surviving spouse who was married to a veteran at the time of death?
  • Would financial assistance help pay for the care you need?
  • Do you require assistance from other people with activities of daily living?
  • Will the assistance from other people be paid for on an ongoing basis? (Private Caregiver, Assisted Living or Skilled Nursing Facility)

If you answered yes to these questions, you may qualify for financial assistance through the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Maximum Monthly Benefit Amounts

If you are an eligible…Aid and Attendance
Married Veteran Couple$2,903.00
Married Veteran$2,169.00
Single Veteran$1,830.00
Surviving Spouse$1,176.00
Surviving Spouse with One Dependent$1,375.00
* May be higher depending on rating

What Determines Need?

There are many physical and mental conditions that are considered by the VA when determining eligibility for Aid and Attendance Benefits.

Some conditions that can qualify an individual for this benefit include:

  • Any incapacity, physical or mental that requires ongoing supervision and assistance to ensure safety and well-being.
  • Requiring assistance with dressing or undressing oneself.
  • Requiring assistance with eating
  • Requiring assistance with bathing and other hygienic tasks.
  • Requiring assistance with the adjustment of any special prosthetic or orthopedic device.
  • Or, being legally blind in both eyes.

In addition, other conditions and needs may be taken into consideration for determining benefit eligibility.

What does this mean for you?

  • You never have to pay it back, it is completely tax free and it increases annually based on the Cost of Living Index.
  • Similar to Social Security, this pension is dependable and is paid directly to you by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
  • Benefits through this system provides you with access to care. With extra income coming in, you can afford the care you need.

How Horizon Elder Law & Estate Planning, Inc. can help you:

  • Individualized veterans’ benefit consultation and application assistance is one of our services. Once a client engages our services we provide:
  • Education regarding the information and documentation needed to apply for benefits.
  • Guidance in gathering necessary documentation and evidence to build a case.
  • Submit a completed benefit application to VA.
  • All follow up correspondence and evidence building as requested by VA.
  • Follow application process to completion with full intent of obtaining an affirmative outcome.
  • Assistance and guidance in helping family establish fiduciary status with VA, if required.
  • Provide ongoing consultation to client as needed.
  • The United States Department of Veteran’s Affairs (VA) offers a broad range of services for veterans of all ages. Unfortunately, some services are underused because many older veterans and their families do not realize these services exist or that they may qualify for benefits. They often don’t apply for VA benefits even though factors such as low income, medical care costs, disability, or war-time service may have made them eligible. They may even have been told by someone at the VA that they don’t qualify when they actually do!
  • Requirements for benefits have changed from time-to-time. Some benefits today do not require a service-related injury, though they may require co-payments for veteran’s whose family income and assets exceed the annual limit for no-cost service.

These and other benefits may be available to you: 1. Respite care to relieve family caregivers of veterans with dementia. 2. Medical care for eligible veterans who served during war times, even if they served stateside or in non-combat areas. 3. Disability compensation for veterans with service-related injuries. 4. Non-service connected pension for low-income disabled veterans who served during war time. 5. Burial benefits for eligible veterans. 6. Death pension for low-income servicing spouse and dependents of veterans who served during war time.

Who We Are:

Based in San Ramon, California, The Veterans’ Benefits Division of Horizon Elder Law & Estate Planning, Inc., is a private law firm that comprises attorneys, accredited VA claims agents, and health care professionals dedicated to helping individuals qualify for and access benefits administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The services of Horizon Elder Law & Estate Planning, Inc. are provided by individuals that are highly knowledgeable and experienced in matters involving VA law as well as the health care issues potential clients face in their daily lives. The Veterans’ Benefit team includes long-term care professionals with experience that spans over two decades across a wide spectrum within the senior care industry. Our operation is led by Julie Fiedler, RN a California licensed and nationally recognized Certified Elder Law Attorney and Registered Nurse who worked in the Intensive Care and Critical Care Unit for 20 years. She has dedicated her long-standing career to helping those in need. Julie is accredited by the Department of Veterans Affairs to help individuals in all matters involving VA benefits. She is certified as an Elder Law Attorney by the National Elder Law Foundation. Julie has spent over 30 years in the field of health care.

Who We Are Not:

  • We are not employed by, or a part of, the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA).
  • We are not a financial planning agency.

Obtaining Military Records

When filing a claim for veteran’s benefits, a veteran or surviving spouse must provide documentation of the veteran’s active duty service, wartime service, and discharge status. Veterans should have been given discharge or separation papers (often called a Form DD-214 after World War II). Horizon Elder Law & Estate Planning, Inc., recommends that claimants submit certified copies of their discharge papers to reduce the time it takes for the application process.

What if I can’t I find them?

For those veterans who do not have a copy of their discharge papers, the fastest way for a Veteran or the Next-of-Kin of a deceased veteran to obtain a duplicate copy is from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Click on Request Military Records at the bottom of the screen. Proceed through the menus and follow the instructions given. Use Form SF 180 for Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Discharge Papers. Use Form DD-2168 for Coast Guard and Merchant Marine Discharge Papers. You will need to print and sign a signature verification request and submit it to the NARA via fax or U.S. Mail in order to complete the process.

If you do not have the internet, but have a fax machine, you can call the Fax-On-Demand System at (301) 837-0990 from a fax machine, using the handset. Follow the voice instructions and request document number 2255.

Otherwise, please call our office and we can provide copies of the forms. Horizon Elder Law & Estate Planning, Inc. assists seniors throughout California and their families find, get and pay for quality long-term care. Knowledge of how to qualify and apply for Veteran’s benefits often plays a central role in answering the question about how to pay for quality long-term care.

Please call us for a consultation

The veteran’s benefits legal team of Horizon Elder Law & Estate Planning, Inc. provides veteran’s benefits and estate planning services to residents of California. They assist many Contra Costa County and Alameda residents from their San Ramon office. Other service areas that the team frequently works in are Alamo, Antioch, Brentwood, Castro Valley, Concord, Danville, Dublin, Hayward, Lafayette, Livermore, Martinez, Moraga, Pleasanton, Rossmoor, and Walnut Creek.