How to Help Your Elderly Loved One Qualify for Medi-Cal

Medi-Cal is the Medicaid program in California. Federal and state taxes fund the program. It provides medical services for children and adults who have limited resources and income. With the help of a California Medi-Cal planning attorney, you can help your elderly loved one qualify for Medi-Cal if long-term care because necessary.

Why Do...
How to Help Your Elderly Loved One Qualify for Medi-Cal Continue reading…

Using Irrevocable Trusts In California Medi-Cal Planning

Many individuals will eventually need long-term care at some point in their lifetimes. Because the cost of long-term care is expensive, a vast majority of those individuals will need assistance paying for that care. Medi-Cal is the name of California’s Medicaid health care program.

However, individuals must qualify for Medicaid to receive assistance with...

Using Irrevocable Trusts In California Medi-Cal Planning Continue reading…

10 Tips That Elderly Californians Should Know About Medi-Cal Planning

Medi-Cal is the Medicaid health care program in California. If you have limited income and assets, you might qualify for several types of medical services through Medi-Cal. Medi-Cal offers health coverage at little or no cost if you are eligible and live in California.

Your age, income, and resources are some of the factors...

10 Tips That Elderly Californians Should Know About Medi-Cal Planning Continue reading…