How to Prevent Elder Abuse
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that elder abuse is a significant problem in the United States, but there are things we can do to prevent it. If you suspect that an older loved one might be the victim of elder abuse, you should not look the other way. Most...
New Home Improvement Scam Targets Seniors
Con artists love to target seniors. One of the favorite scams of crooks is to rip off older adults on home improvements. Your home is your castle and your nest. You want to take care of your shelter and keep a secure roof over your head. Crooks know this, so they try to scare...
Preventing Sexual Abuse in the Nursing Home
What to do if you Suspect Elder Abuse
Scams Targeting The Elderly – What You Need to Know in 2019
Scams targeting the elderly are common throughout the United States. The American Journal of Public Health estimates that two to three million elderly individuals (about five percent of the elderly population) are the victims of scams every year. Our California elder abuse lawyers discuss some of the important things you need to...
What steps should you take if you suspect elder abuse?
When you place your loved on in a care facility, you expect the people charged with the care of your loved one to provide the best possible care. The last thing you expect is for them to neglect your loved one or expose them to serious danger. Unfortunately, for a great number of...
Elder Abuse & In-Home Care: What you need to know
In-home nursing care is often a welcome relief for families looking to avoid the costs of full-time long-term care. Oftentimes, elderly folks need a little help during the day, but are not to the point that round-the-clock skilled nursing assistance is needed. For those families electing in-home care for their loved ones, finding...
Elder Abuse Possibly Underdiagnosed in California Hospitals
Elder abuse is possibly one of the most horrific crimes plaguing California today. Not only are our elderly subjected to financial and psychological abuse at the hands of “caretakers,” but many are also suffering the physical effects of assault and/or neglect. To make matters worse, a recent study has concluded that the...
Top 5 Financial Scams Targeting Californians
Financial scams can wreak havoc on the financial well-being of the victim – oftentimes creating a lifelong ripple effect, taking years to unravel. The following are some of the most common financial scams targeting Californians – particularly those in the elderly, senior citizen and “Baby Boomer” demographics:
#5: Free...